Jonas Brothers Share New Excerpts From Memoir 'Blood' & Reveal New Release Date

Jonas Brothers Share New Excerpts From Memoir 'Blood' & Reveal New Release Date

The Jonas Brothers are opening up!

The trio – Nick, Joe and Kevin – are gearing up (again) for what fans hope to be the actual release of their long-awaited memoir “Blood.”

After first teasing that it would be out in 2019, and being pushed back multiple times, the guys shared this week that it will be finally released on November 9, 2021.

In addition to the new release date, each brother revealed an excerpt from the upcoming book, sharing different stories.

Joe detailed their 2013 band breaking up, and how it hit him like a tsunami.

Nick shared his first memory, teaching himself how to swim at three years old by just jumping into the pool and just trying to swim.

Kevin‘s excerpt was about the early days of the Jonas Brothers when they released their first single “Mandy,” and how when they toured, their dad started footing the bills because their label stopped paying for them.

Check out all three excerpts below!

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Joe Jonas, Jonas Brothers, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas

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