Dakota Fanning & Freida Pinto Support 'India's Daughter' Doc at New York Screening!

Dakota Fanning & Freida Pinto Support 'India's Daughter' Doc at New York Screening!

Dakota Fanning, Freida Pinto, and Meryl Streep strike a pose as they arrive at the screening for India’s Daughter held at the Baruch College on Monday (March 9) in New York City.

The three ladies got together to light about a dozen candles honoring the documentary, which is about a medical student who died in India after being gang-raped on a bus in 2012.

“Tonight we light these candles to honor the value and the work of Jyoti Singh‘s short, promising life,” Meryl said at the event (via ChicagoTribune). “She was India’s daughter. Tonight she’s our daughter too.”

“Ultimately, this is a film that needs to go out. This is not a shame-India documentary,” Freida continued. “This is not just an India problem; this is a problem that inflicts almost every country in the world. There’s not a single country in 2015 that is free of sexual violence against women.”

Also pictured: Dakota spotted chatting on her cellphone while out and about in the SoHo neighborhood of New York City.

15+ pics inside of Dakota Fanning and others at the screening for India’s Daughter

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Credit: Grant Lamos IV; Photos: Getty
Posted to: Dakota Fanning, Freida Pinto, Meryl Streep

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