Simone Biles Reveals What Her Relationship Name With Zac Efron Would Be!

Simone Biles Reveals What Her Relationship Name With Zac Efron Would Be!

Simone Biles got a kiss on the cheek from her celeb crush Zac Efron during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics, and in a new “73 Questions video” for Vogue, Simone described her ideal first date with him!

In the video, the 19-year-old All-Around Olympic Champion offers the reporter a tour of her training area, and he asks her, “Alright, now let’s talk about a special guy named Zac Efron. You two – what’s your dream first date?”

“I think breakfast on the beach,” Simone answered, adding that their relationship name would be “Zimone!”

Simone also reveals that her spirit animal is a honey badger, she’s binge-watching 90210 on Netflix, and the celeb she most wants to meet is Jennifer Lawrence.

“We both fell down the stairs,” Simone explained, referring to when she tripped at the 2016 MTV Video Music Awards and Jennifer did the same while walking up the stairs at the 2013 Academy Awards.

Watch the full video below to find out more about Simone!

73 Questions With Simone Biles | Vogue
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Credit: Steve Zak, Mark Metcalfe; Photos: Getty
Posted to: Simone Biles, Zac Efron

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