Win This Awesome 'Trolls' Prize Pack!

Win This Awesome 'Trolls' Prize Pack!

Who hasn’t seen Trolls in theaters yet?! JJJ def recommends using this long weekend to take advantage of all the movie time you have!

The movie is super, super cute and you’ll walk out singing the songs and skipping all the way back to your car…we mean, that’s what we did.

JJJ just got our hands on this AMAZING Trolls prize pack and we want to give it away to one of our readers!

It’s full of the cutest merch from the movie, and perfect for the holidays!


  • Trolls Hug Time Poppy Doll: the colorful troll who always takes a break for “hug time,” no matter where her adventures take her. The doll comes with a matching wearable Hug Time bracelet for kids
  • Trolls Poppy’s Coronation Pod Playset: The playset features a magical light-up spinning dance floor, themed accessories, and plenty of room for TROLLS to party
  • Trolls Single Doll: The dolls feature fluffy, fabulous TROLLS hair and removable outfits for oodles of hairstyling and high fashion fun. Each character comes with a comb and other fabulous accessories themed to their unique personality
  • Trolls Hug ‘N Plush Doll
  • Trolls Collectibles: Each standing five inches tall and featuring crazy, colorful hair with tons of flair! Each TROLLS character in the Collectables Assortment sports its own unique look and fashion, and comes complete with a comb to brush and style its fabulous, fluffy locks. This is not a plush.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Photos: Hasbro
Posted to: Contests, Trolls

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