'The Vampire Diaries' Spoilers: A Major Character is Killed Off The Show!

'The Vampire Diaries' Spoilers: A Major Character is Killed Off The Show!


Our jaws are still on the floor from tonight’s shocking episode of The Vampire Diaries.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) thought she was smart moving Elena’s (Nina Dobrev) body to a safe house, but Stefan – sans humanity – figured it out and was determined to kill her, at the request of Cade (WolĂ© Parks).

Someone else’s life was cut short, however.

So who died?

Click inside to see who was killed off The Vampire Diaries tonight…

Stefan killed Enzo!

When Stefan showed up to the house, he ripped Enzo’s (Michael Malarkey) heart out right in front of Bonnie, after an episode full of sweet #Bonenzo moments. Cruel!

Bonnie was obviously distraught and she stabbed Stefan with a needle filled with the cure – AKA STEFAN IS HUMAN NOW.

After several seasons teasing “the cure,” one of the Salvatore brothers is officially a human again.

But what does this mean for him and Caroline (Candice King), who clearly told Matt (Zach Roerig) she doesn’t regret becoming a vampire?

Remember – human Stefan and human Elena were in love. Could we see the resurgence of #Stelena in the finale? Our heads are spinning!

TELL JJJ: What do you think will happen in these final upcoming episodes? Tell us in the comments!

MORE TVD: Top 10 Brotherly Stefan & Damon Moments From TVD

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: Michael Malarkey, Television, The Vampire Diaries

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