Sofia Carson Can't Pick Between Singing, Dancing, & Acting: 'I Love All Three'

Sofia Carson Can't Pick Between Singing, Dancing, & Acting: 'I Love All Three'

Descendants 2 star Sofia Carson is not only an actress; she has also been singing and dancing her entire life starting at the age of three, when she took her first dance class and began belting “Don’t Cry for me Argentina” around the house.

In a new interview this morning (July 19), Sofia apologetically told Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest on Live with Kelly and Ryan that she could not pick between singing, dancing, and acting when she was prompted.

“You guys are gonna hate my answer because I think about it all the time and I wouldn’t be able to pick just one,” she said. “I really love all three; I just love performing in general. When you sing you are somehow acting and performing at the same time and when you dance as well. I just love it all.”

Watch her full interview below.

Sofia Carson on Live With Kelly & Ryan
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Photos: ABC
Posted to: Ryan Seacrest, Sofia Carson

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