Yara Shahidi Talks the Learning Process of Activism: 'I'm Motivated to Learn More'

Yara Shahidi Talks the Learning Process of Activism: 'I'm Motivated to Learn More'

Yara Shahidi is nearly as well known for her vocal activism and for inspiring her fans to stay vigilant about politics and human rights as she is for her iconic Black-ish role.

Still, she alleges that she does not know “a lot.”

“I like to think I know a lot, but I don’t,” the 17-year-old actress told Rolling Stone, “I’m motivated to learn more.”

She also spoke about her plan to major in social studies at Harvard.

“At the crux of [my major], at the crux of acting and at the crux of everything I do is a desire to understand humans – [and to become] active in a way that touches anybody or even activates anybody.”

Her passions for acting and for education may seem at odds with each other, a fact she acknowledges: “There is a lot of pressure on many young actors to make that decision of acting or going to school.”

We’re so proud of her for pursuing both and for going out of her way to get an education so that she may continue to educate and inspire her fans.

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