Fans Have Mixed Reactions After Gabby Douglas Apology & Admission of Abuse From Larry Nassar
Earlier today, Gabby Douglas issued anotehr statement where she revealed that she too was a victim of Dr. Larry Nassar‘s advances while on the US Women’s Gymnastics team.
Her statement also addresses her response to Aly Raisman‘s stance on victim shaming over the past weekend — and it has some fans confused on Gabby‘s actual stance on it at all.
“I’m sorry how is Gabby Douglas going to put her team mate on blast about sexual assault. Today I read an on baller alert saying that she was also sexually assaulted as by a doctor. #hypocrite,” one user writes.
Another added, “The backlash against Gabby Douglas tweet shows how far feminism has brainwashed women. Women don’t even understand the value of self respect any more.”
Click inside to see the other reactions following Gabby’s statement…
Sis hold on. Gabby Douglas went on an entire twitter rant l, victim blaming her teammate and now she comes out and says she was abused as well? I am so confused.
— Dee. (@YmanniFlower) November 21, 2017
my heart is troubled with accepting Gabby Douglas’ recent allegations & remembering what the fuck she just did to her teammate 4 days ago ????
— Lo ????? (@LSS_LO) November 21, 2017
.@gabrielledoug I was pretty upset with what you said to Aly Raisman recently, but regardless I am so sorry this happened to you (1/)
— Amanda (@_amandamarjorie) November 21, 2017
Looks like Gabby Douglas did what many survivors of sexual assault have been known to do–internalize their abuse. That's why so many of us were so hesitant to dog her last week.
That's why cancel culture is so harmful.
— Liz. (@LizMAdetiba) November 21, 2017
Gabby Douglas got me confused … unfortunate situation… but I’m confused.
— Talisa Elizabeth (@TalisaElizabeth) November 21, 2017
Oh yay Gabby Douglas's full statement provides "context" for her victim shaming.
— Cree (@caffeinatedcree) November 21, 2017
We have all put our foot in our own mouth (at least) once. You had the courage to very publicly make it right, and add your voice to the #MeToo movement.
I admire your, and every survivor's, strength. I hope your teammates accept your apology & you all support each other.
— Only The Truth (@TantumVero) November 21, 2017
like I wrote a whole thread about how context is important and how empathy and patience should be praxis but that whole thread was ignored, to have grown women sharing videos that ridiculed Gabby Douglas. for what? so you can feel superior to a young woman for a few hours?
— Nicole 'get rid of the Nazis' Froio (@NicoleFroio) November 21, 2017
nobody is perfect and we are all taught shitty things that make this world the way it is.
— Nicole 'get rid of the Nazis' Froio (@NicoleFroio) November 21, 2017
it's so fucked up that we have zero chill with people when we KNOW we are taught fucked up social norms to keep us oppressed.
"oh this person had the wrong reaction that one time." ok??? and?? so we write them off forever?
— Nicole 'get rid of the Nazis' Froio (@NicoleFroio) November 21, 2017