Lana Condor Likes To Talk About Her Adoption Story

Lana Condor Likes To Talk About Her Adoption Story

We know of many celebrities who were adopted, however, not all of them like to talk about it – but not Lana Condor.

The 21-year-old actress opened up to Elle about her adoption story and it’s going to make you smile so big.

“People don’t know how to talk about adoption,” she says. “They don’t know how to approach me, because they think it’s a sensitive subject. However, I love to talk about it.”

Lana adds, “I like to make people feel more comfortable, and it’s great to have this platform and be able to shed light on adoption and how it’s a beautiful thing, instead of being tiptoed around.”

“It’s been exciting for my parents as well. I hope that other girls who have been adopted are watching the journey. We can celebrate it. It’s a gift.”

If you didn’t know, Lana was adopted at four months old from Vietnam, along with another child who became her brother.

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Posted to: Lana Condor

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