Luke Benward Opens Up About Growing Up With His Fans

Luke Benward Opens Up About Growing Up With His Fans

We’ve all seen the tweets about Luke Benward and fans arguing just who was here first stanning the Dumplin’ star.

In a new interview, the 24-year-old actor revealed that he was laughing over all of them.

“The funniest thing is basically people just going back and forth between fans who had been following me over the last ‘X’ number of years and then the fans who just followed me,” he shared with Teen Vogue. “There were all these people who were like, ‘You’re just on the bandwagon blah blah blah!’ It was so funny to see them figure out who the OG fans are. (Laughs.).”

Luke added about how he’s still connecting with his fans years after his last Disney Channel project.

“It’s honestly fun,” he says. “Honestly, the older I get the more I’m able to really understand it and have this newfound respect. Because I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, all the people who are now fans of me have kind of grown up with me in a weird way.”

“We’re the same age, we kind of went through the same things at the same time. There is that interesting dynamic.”

TELL JJJ: Are you a new Luke fan, or have you been one from the beginning?

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Posted to: Luke Benward

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