Ruth Righi Talks Sydney's Close Bond To Her Dad & Grandma in 'Sydney To The Max' (Exclusive)

Ruth Righi Talks Sydney's Close Bond To Her Dad & Grandma in 'Sydney To The Max' (Exclusive)

There’s only a few more hours until you meet Ruth Righi in her new series, Sydney To The Max!

The 13-year-old actress chatted with JJJ about her character, the close bond with her cast and more. Check it:

On connecting with her father through the throwbacks: “Sydney doesn’t literally see what viewers do but rather hears about what he experienced during his childhood. I think she’s pleasantly surprised when she finds moments where her and her dad connect on certain things that happen.

On Sydney’s close bond with Max and Judy: “Sydney and her dad, Max, are very close. They are always there for each other when they need it most and learn from each other’s mistakes. Sydney and her grandma Judy have a special bond where they’re always ready to have fun. Sometimes grandma Judy has to step in for ‘mother moments’ as well.”

On her character Sydney: “I love how outgoing she is and how she always lives life to the fullest.”

On the one episode she can’t wait for fans to see: “I’m really pumped for people to see ‘You’ve Got Female’ where you see Sydney take a stand for women’s rights and find her passion.”

Be sure to tune into the premiere of Sydney To The Max @ 8:25PM ET/PT on Disney Channel!

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Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: Exclusive, Ruth Righi, Sydney to the Max

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