Watch Lori Beth Denberg Return to 'All That' as the Loud Librarian!

Watch Lori Beth Denberg Return to 'All That' as the Loud Librarian!

An OG All That character is coming back!

Lori Beth Denberg, who starred as a member of the original cast of Nickelodeon’s sketch comedy show, All That back in the ’90s, is returning for the premiere of the rebooted version of the series.

In a new teaser clip for the All That reboot, Lori Beth brings back her classic Loud Librarian character.

Lori Beth told Entertainment Weekly that returning to the character was harder than she thought it would be.

“It does get a lot of aggression out, but it’s really hard,” she said of her Loud Librarian character. “The Loud Librarian is all about being really loud and energetic and working tons of props, big heavy props and I’m crashing into things. I forgot how physically taxing it was, and that’s without even the yelling on top of it. I think I said after the first time we did a rehearsal, ‘I forgot how sweaty this was.’”

Lori Beth isn’t the only original All That cast member coming back for the reboot’s premiere. Kel Mitchell and Josh Server are also returning to help kick off the new series.

The Jonas Brothers will also be part of the premiere, both as musical guests and as part of a Good Burger sketch with Kel.

All That premieres June 15th on Nickelodeon.

Watch the new Loud Librarian sketch below:

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Posted to: All That, Jonas Brothers, Kel Mitchell, Lori Beth Denberg

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