Euphoria's Barbie Ferreira Opens Up About How The Fashion Industry Is Getting Better at Inclusive Sizing

Euphoria's Barbie Ferreira Opens Up About How The Fashion Industry Is Getting Better at Inclusive Sizing

Barbie Ferreira covers the new issue of them., opening up about fashion, Euphoria and so much more.

The 22-year-old actress also chatted about meeting fans in some pretty random places. Check it:

On not being defined by one thing: “Everyone has so many facets of their identity and so many things that influence the way you make decisions. It’s hard to just talk about one thing all the time. I’m feeling really great about maybe not ever having to talk about my body like that anymore, or having to market my body as my only thing. I don’t want it to happen again with my sexuality. I love being queer. I love being fat. I love being Brazilian. I love being from New York. [All my identities] are what make me Barbie.”

On fandom: “When you find someone who really makes you feel good, you have this need to tell them. I’ll read an article or watch a movie or watch a show and feel really compelled — especially with cool fat girls that I find — to be like, you make me feel good about myself and you are incredible; keep doing what you’re doing.”

On inclusive sizing and plus-size representation in the fashion industry: “I think things are getting better. There’s a lot of cool, fresh, young designers who are making things, and thank god for them, because I wear them. If I only [wore] the big designers I would not fit in anything. The big designers are cool, but you can’t buy them, no one can afford it. It’s not fun. It’s boring at that point.”

Check out more of Barbie‘s feature at

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Photos: Zora Sicher
Posted to: Barbie Ferreira, Magazine

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