All That's Reece Caddell Is So Much More Adventurous Than Any Of Us & These 10 Fun Facts Prove It!

All That's Reece Caddell Is So Much More Adventurous Than Any Of Us & These 10 Fun Facts Prove It!

Reece Caddell is one of the cast members of Nickelodeon’s rebooted series, All That.

The 13-year-old actress stars opposite Ryan Alessi, Kate Godfrey, Gabrielle Green, Nathan Janak, Lex Lumpkin and Chinguun Sergelen.

JJJ got to know Reece a little better during a catch up and we found out so much about her!

You can check out the 10 Fun Facts that Reece told us about herself below!

  • I lived in Shanghai, China and (most recently) Tokyo, Japan for my Dad’s work.
  • I have been to every Disney park in the world, except for Disneyland Paris. My favorite park is Tokyo DisneySea
  • I swam with manta rays and nurse sharks. The manta rays were actually scarier with their big gaping mouths. (Though, neither were really all that scary.)
  • I have freckles on my eyelids.
  • I love to draw and am learning how to create animation.

Want to learn more about Reece Caddell? Click inside NOW!

  • I would love to be a space engineer/astronaut.
  • I am allergic to cats, but I love them and we have two—Oatmeal (who went to Japan with us) and Stellaluna (who stayed back in the US because she is an anxious kitty).
  • In my very first live tv interview, I forgot where I was from when the host asked me. (The answer is Denver, CO, btw.)
  • I once won a frog jumping contest in Independence, CA at their annual 4th of July celebration.
  • I am very adventurous and like spiders and snakes and snorkeling and zip lining. But I am afraid of the dark and cannot sleep if my closet door is open.
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Photos: Kenneth Dolin, Getty, Nickelodeon
Posted to: 10 Fun Facts, Reece Caddell

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