How Does Fred Andrews Die On 'Riverdale'? Find Out Here

It was revealed that Fred was driving home and had stopped to help a woman who was having car troubles. While he was trying to help, he was struck by another car and killed. Luke’s real life friend Shannen Doherty played the woman he was helping.

Archie learned who the man was that struck his father, but when he went to confront the guy, he learned that it was actually his son who was driving and he was covering up for him. During the confrontation, Archie realizes that the guy was trying to protect his father and Fred would’ve done the same thing.

At his funeral, Josie (Ashleigh Murray) sings a beautiful rendition of “Amazing Grace” and Archie delivers a eulogy. Jughead (Cole Sprouse) penned Fred’s obituary. The whole episode ended with Archie back in the garage breaking down, sobbing, then turns to a blank screen with, “In Loving Memory: Luke Perry, 1966-2019.”

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Photos: Riverdale YouTube, The CW
Posted to: Luke Perry, Riverdale, Television

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