Princess Elisabeth of Belgium Receives High Honor During Her 18th Birthday Celebration

Princess Elisabeth of Belgium Receives High Honor During Her 18th Birthday Celebration

Princess Elisabeth of Belgium celebrated her 18th birthday with so much class at a ceremony on Friday (October 25) in Brussels, Belgium.

The Duchess of Brabant was joined by many of her peers, and the Royal Family for the celebration, and it was televised live on Belgian television.

Laureates from the Queen Elisabeth Music Competition, Sylvia Huang and Lorenzo Gatto, opened the event with violin performances with dancers from the Royal Ballet School of Antwerp and singers also taking part in the celebrations.

Elisabeth‘s younger siblings, Princes Gabriel and Emmanuel and Princess Eléonore, and grandparents, King Albert and Queen Paola, and her parents, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, were in attendance.

During the ceremony, Elisabeth was honored with the Grand Gordon in the Order of Leopold, the oldest and highest order in Belgium with the monarch serving as the Grand Master.

“I realise that I still have a lot to learn. I will also focus on that in the coming years: trying to understand the world better and contribute to improving it by giving the best of myself. The country can count on me,” she shared in her speech.

Elisabeth will one day become the Queen of Belgium, and will be the queen to reign in her own right.

10+ pics inside of Princess Elisabeth of Belgium at her birthday celebrations…

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Princess Elisabeth

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