Did The Jonas Brothers Secretly Reveal Their New Album Title?

Did The Jonas Brothers Secretly Reveal Their New Album Title?

The Jonas Brothers have fans going crazy!

This week, the JoBrosKevin, Joe, and Nick – have announced that they will be releasing two new songs, “X” and “5 More Minutes”.

With the double announcement and the videos that they are teasing, fans are clamoring to find out more, specifically why X and V are being put together.

One fan picked up on a moment during the Jonas Brothers2020 Grammys performance where they actually teased the letters with the lighting in the back, and no one figured it out until now.

Kevin retweeted the fan with an angel emoji, confirming that that was indeed a little Easter egg. See below!

Fans are also picking up that “XV” could be the title of their upcoming album, and that XV is the roman numeral for 15, and it has been 15 years since the start of the Jonas Brothers.

Jonatics are now putting on their detective hats to try to unlock any more clues or find any hints that the JoBros may have secretly dropped.

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Posted to: Jonas Brothers

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