'13 Reasons Why' Releases Yearbook Photos For New Cast Portraits

'13 Reasons Why' Releases Yearbook Photos For New Cast Portraits

The cast of the upcoming fourth and final season of 13 Reasons Why are starring in these new cast portraits!

The new photos feature the stars in their characters’ yearbook photos, with quite a few phrases on them, include some very questionable things that allude to the new season.

The most popular phrase on the pics is “I Know You Framed Monty”.

Featured in the portraits include returning cast members Dylan Minnette, Alisha Boe, Ross Butler, Brandon Flynn, Christian Navarro, Miles Heizer, Grace Saif, and Devin Druid, as well as new cast members JanLuis Castellanos and Deaken Bluman.

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the brand new trailer for the upcoming season.

Be sure to tune in to the final season of 13 Reasons Why, which premieres on Netflix NEXT Friday, June 5th!

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