'Wizards of Waverly Place' Showrunner Remembers the 'Rules' Disney Had About Social Media When The Show Premiered

'Wizards of Waverly Place' Showrunner Remembers the 'Rules' Disney Had About Social Media When The Show Premiered

Your #FlashbackFriday post is here and this will bring up a lot of memories.

Remember, years ago, when the iPhone came out and Twitter was just starting when all your fave Disney shows were on — but you couldn’t find out anythign from its’ stars?

Wizards of Waverly Place showrunner Todd J. Greenwald remembers too — and he also remembers the rules.

“The funny thing was, the iPhone came out the same year Wizards came out,” he recalled in an interview with IBT. “It was interesting because we were tweeting and taking pictures on set and Disney was like ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can’t do that, you can’t do that.’”

He adds, “They put up these rules like we were in school, ‘You’re not allowed to post, you’re not allowed to tweet.’ Like those sort of hipster parent language, trying to make us not do it.”

However, the cast still did tweet some things and shared a few pics — just not as much as its’ stars can today.

Todd also credits the iPhone for promoting the show, too — which if we all remember, Wizards has been the only Disney Channel program to win an Emmy — twice.

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Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: tech, Television, Wizards of Waverly Place

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