Demi Lovato Admits She Was Also Shocked By Things Max Ehrich Said & Did After Split

Demi Lovato Admits She Was Also Shocked By Things Max Ehrich Said & Did After Split

Demi Lovato is opening up about her breakup from Max Ehrich in the final episode of her Dancing With The Devil docu-series.

The 28-year-old, her friends and family all dished about their relationship, then their split.

After they got engaged, Demi said, “There have been times in my life where I have felt so alone. Now that I have found him, I feel amazing… I’m kind of scared to know life without quarantine with him.”

Her best friend Sirah even admitted, “Although there was a lot of concerns, we were all still really happy that she was feeling so good and that she had somebody with her through this time.”

On their split, Demi admitted that, like everyone else, she was also shocked by some of the things that he said and did after they broke up. Click inside to see what she said…

“I’m really sad that things ended the way that they did. Good news is I haven’t picked up any hard drugs or anything like that. I’m hanging in there. It’s just sh–ty,” she says.

“So, I thought this whole time that I didn’t miss him, I just missed the person that I started quarantining with,” Demi said, hinting that she started to see who he really was, without going into specifics.

“I think I rushed into something that I thought was what I was supposed to do. I realized as time went on that I didn’t actually know the person that I was engaged to,” she added. “We were only together four or five months. And honestly, it was false advertising.”

“The hardest part of the breakup was mourning the person that I thought he was… But I’m not the only one who felt fooled. I mean, I was just as shocked as the rest of the world at some of the things that were said and one.”

Some of the things Demi is likely referring to is when Max went on Instagram Live and said that she had used him for clout and to boost her music sales. She then referenced his Malibu outing where he was praying and crying on the beach in one of her new songs.

Check out the rest of the episode, where Demi also talks about being “California Sober,” exploring who she really is, shows off her new house to her friends, and even cutting off all of her hair…

rebirthing : Dancing with the Devil

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Photos: OBB Media
Posted to: Demi Lovato, Max Ehrich

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