Tiffany Thornton: So Random Will Go On

Tiffany Thornton: So Random Will Go On

After the news broke that Demi Lovato would not be returning to Sonny With A Chance, fans all over reacted with different feelings.

Some were upset while others were hopeful that So Random would live up to its name. Star Tiffany Thornton posted what she was feeling on Twitter for the fans:

“We are all sad that Demi is no longer on the show and will miss her tons. We are, however, fortunate to still be working! And are super excited for y’all to see the new format of So Random. We hope y’all like it!”

Tiffany added, “We love you @ddlovato and can’t wait to hear ur next album. Also, may I just say, @ddlovato I couldn’t be more proud of the woman you’ve become these past 6 months and I look forward to seeing the blessings God will pour out on your life and the many ways He will use you to help others. Love you @ddlovato.”

WILL YOU STILL watch So Random? JJJ hopes you do!

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Credit: Randy Holmes; Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: Demi Lovato, So Random, Sonny With A Chance, Tiffany Thornton

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