Jedward Dish About 'Leave A Mark' Music Video

Jedward Dish About 'Leave A Mark' Music Video

Check out Jedward‘s video for their new single, “Leave A Mark”!

“We wanted to put out this song because we see all the things our fans go through and we feel they needed a song like this and We want to create a legacy, and we don’t ever want to just be a ‘thing’ We are here for the long haul, and good lyrics live on forever,” the 23-year-old twins shared. “We wrote and created this song ourselves from the start to finish That’s why it connects with people because it’s talking about real issues We want every lyric we write to mean something great, in case fans get it tattooed or something.”

They continued, “The video’s visuals contain many monumental cultural moments and figures. John F. Kenned! the first shuttle launch! entertainer Charlie Chaplin, Neil Armstrong and others are also featured…e wanted it to be strong and almost royal and graceful! It was important to have all these iconic heroes because it’s not so much about us but the people that made way for the icons of today.”

“We always like to blaze a trail even though sometimes we have hate hurled our way We work really hard staying driven and to overcome all the negative vibes that our put upon us, and we know the fans make us soar! We have a dream and Haters are like a nightmare and the more you rise the higher and unreachable you become from hate,” Jedward added.

You can purchase Jedward‘s “Leave a Mark” on iTunes now!

Jedward – Leave a Mark
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