Celebs Continue To Tweet Prayers For Paris Amid Tragedies

Celebs Continue To Tweet Prayers For Paris Amid Tragedies

Celebrities are continuing to tweet their reactions to the Paris tragedy, which so far, has left over 100 dead.

The attacks started earlier tonight (November 13) with a a shooting at a restaurant, an explosion at the Stade de France, and around 100 hostages being held at a theater. President Hollande declared a state of emergency and closed the countries borders.

Heffron Drive, who was supposed to debut a new video tonight for their new single, have postponed it and many other celebs have reacted to the news.

“I have been in the studio all day w/Dustin making the video, hadnt turned on the news til this moment. #Paris my heart is bleeding for you,” Kendall Schmidt wrote. “Out of respect for the tragedy in #Paris we will NOT post the video tonight. It wouldn’t be right, I hope you understand!”

Click inside to read more celeb reactions…

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