Normani Kordei Would Love to Collaborate With Sia

Normani Kordei Would Love to Collaborate With Sia

Normani Kordei graces the new June 2016 cover of NationAlist magazine.

The 20-year-old Fifth Harmony opens up about social media, the band and more. Check it:

On Fifth Harmony: “I think it’s like a family — it’s been four years that we’re all together now. Within those four years of being in each other’s spaces all the time, we have gotten to know each other’s ins and outs. We have all seen each other at our best moment and lowest point; and we respect each other at whichever point we’re at. We all love each other at the end of the day. A lot of poeple blame drama on us being girls, but it’s natural for any human, among men or women, to have altercations. It’s healthy because it drives our creativity. We respect each other’s creativity, and [that] makes for the final product to be better in the end.”

On social media: “Snapchat! It’s so fun. I love all the filters and that its not taken too seriously. It’s an environment where you can just have fun, if you want to not have something to be there you can just delete it, and it won’d last forever. You can pick the seconds, who to send it to, it’s a world of it’s own. It’s really fun.”

On her dream musical collaboration: “Sia. I admire her lyrics and songs. She’s serious about music. In this decade, music can take a different route and people sometimes focus on everything else that goes on around it, and not solely on music. She focuses on the music. She is creative and hands on and writes all her songs. Also, I have never seen anyone deliver and sing a record live better than on the album. I saw her at Coachella, she was so amazing. I like that she covers up so that people listen more closely and focus on the music and [realize] appearance isn’t the most important factor of the performance.”

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Photos: Nationalist Magazine
Posted to: Fifth Harmony, Magazine, Normani Hamilton, Normani Kordei

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