Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields Visits The Empire State Building in NYC

Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields Visits The Empire State Building in NYC

Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields shimmers in a silver dress during her visit to the Empire State Building on Wednesday (September 14) in New York City.

The 21-year-old beauty queen, who won the title over the weekend, is also pictured taking a stroll on the beach outside of Caesars Atlantic City the day before.

“I hope in being Miss America, that I can be relatable to all,” Savvy told ABC Radio after being crowned. “I’ve always had a dream that Miss America is branded as the best of us, and to me that means being perfectly imperfect – realizing that your imperfections are what make you authentic, and that’s what makes you relatable.”

During her reign, Savvy will promote her platform, Eat Better, Live Better.

“I grew up in a super healthy home. I never really thought anything of it my whole entire life until I went into college and started taking charge of my own health, and realizing that food does matter….healthy eating is not that scary,” Savvy said.

20+ pics inside of Miss America 2017 Savvy Shields

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Photos: AKM-GSI, Empire State Trust, Tom Briglia/Caesars
Posted to: Savvy Shields

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