This Is Why It's Taking Forever For An Austin Mahone Album To Come Out

This Is Why It's Taking Forever For An Austin Mahone Album To Come Out

Austin Mahone has an explanation for why he has yet to release an album.

The 20-year-old singer recently dropped his mixtape, ForMe+You, and assures fans that he also has a full-length record in the works for 2017.

“It’s gonna come this year. I’ll tell you that,” Austin said (via HuffPo). “I know I’ve been saying that every year, but it’s for real coming out this time. I’m literally starting the process now.”

“I think it’s really just finding the music that I really can connect with and I feel like these are the songs that people are going to love,” Austin said about delaying it. “I’m still growing as an artist. I’m still growing as a producer, as a writer, so I want my project to be the best that it can be. I don’t want to put out something that’s half good…I want to make sure that it’s fire before I put it out to the world.”

Pictured: Austin poses with Frankie Grande while recently stopping by Style Code Live in New York City.

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Photos: Amanda Saviñón Photography
Posted to: Austin Mahone, Frankie Grande

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