Ryan McCartan Reveals How Booking 'Liv & Maddie's Diggie Changed His Entire Life

Ryan McCartan Reveals How Booking 'Liv & Maddie's Diggie Changed His Entire Life

Ryan McCartan is hitting us right in all the feelings right now.

In his recent “Me Monday” video, the actor opened up on just how Liv and Maddie impacted his life and how much it all meant to him.

He explains that he once had two auditions for dream roles on Broadway, but they both didn’t work out and that’s exactly when the show came in and saved him.

“I was thinking life is not fair. And then the next I got an audition for a silly little role on a silly new TV show…

“So I go in and audition and I’m like, ‘this role is actually kind of fun.’ They called me back, and then they called me back again and then I had a screen test with the girl who was playing both roles and who at the time was a total unknown. And I went and did the screen test. And they cast me,” he says.

Ryan continues, “If I went Broadway and didn’t book that role [of Diggie], I never would’ve met someone who changed my entire life. If I would’ve booked the Broadway role and not that role, I never would’ve met the guy who ended up casting me in Heathers: The Musical.

“And Heathers LA is where a man named Kenny Ortega who saw me and said my performance was something he would never forget and a year later, he cast me in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, one of the best experiences of my entire life.”

Moral of the story: Everything happens for a reason!

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Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: Liv and Maddie, Ryan McCartan

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