Abigail Breslin Almost Said No To Playing Baby in 'Dirty Dancing' Remake

Abigail Breslin Almost Said No To Playing Baby in 'Dirty Dancing' Remake

Abigail Breslin isn’t a dancer — and she’ll be the first one to tell you that.

The Dirty Dancing star opened up about her journey in learning the movie’s most iconic dances for the musical remake.

“I’m not a dancer, I’m not graceful, I can’t even walk in a straight line,” she shared. “I couldn’t be the furthest thing from somebody who would be seen as, like, ‘Wow, she’s so poised.’ Like, nobody’s ever said that about me.”

Abigail actually almost turned down the part because of the dancing.

“I would have never not taken it, because that would be really dumb,” she adds. “But I did think about it, and I thought like, ‘Am I going to embarrass myself in front of the world? Like, what if I’m not capable of doing these things? Like, that’s possible, right?’ And thankfully I was working with the best people in the world.”

She added later in another interview that she has so much respect for dancers now.

“I don’t envy them. The pain that their bodies go through is insane. But it definitely gives you more confidence and makes you more in touch with your body.”

The Dirty Dancing TV Musical airs TONIGHT @ 8PM ET/PT on ABC.

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Photos: ABC
Posted to: Abigail Breslin

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