8 Times Ariel Winter Shut Her Haters Down Online

8 Times Ariel Winter Shut Her Haters Down Online

Modern Family actress Ariel Winter believes in dressing however she pleases and doing whatever she wants with her body. Her self-love attitude has cast her as a role model and a body-positive icon — and, unfortunately, it has also attracted a few trolls.

Still, if anyone knows how to deal with haters, it’s Ariel. As her Modern Family co-star Nolan Gould can attest, she’s tough as nails: “I’m there for her, but she doesn’t even need me. She’s got it handled,” he explained.

She really does. Here are just a few of the times she acknowledged her haters — and then shut them down.

When she addressed her hateful trolls directly:

Nothing but love ??

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Go inside to see more examples of Ariel shutting down her critics!

When she listened to her own voice:

When she connected with a quote on multiple levels:

When she invoked Michelle Obama to make a point:


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When she called out society for impossible expectations:


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When she wasn’t interested in being told what to wear:

When she partnered with Dove for a cause close to her heart:

And finally, when she addressed body-shamers directly:

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Photos: Getty
Posted to: Ariel Winter, Modern Family

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