Jake Miller On His Fans: 'They Are Everything to Me' (Exclusive)

Jake Miller On His Fans: 'They Are Everything to Me' (Exclusive)

Jake Miller is giving credit where credit is due and dedicating his entire new tour to his fans.

“My fans are everything to me,” he told us in our recent interview with him. “I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be doing this interview right now if it wasn’t of them. I’d just be a kid who has no idea what I want to do with my life.”

Jake is serious about always being there for his fans, especially since they’ve been there for him through everything.

“They’ve been so amazing throughout my career and they’ve only gotten more passionate and stronger,” he says. “Although it never gets old and it’s a feeling I love so much, I was not surprised when the album went #1 because my fans go so hard.

“Every time I’ve put out an album or EP in the past, they’re got it to #1 with albums on the charts like Ed [Sheeran], Katy [Perry] and Harry [Styles]. They’ve always managed to get it to the top that same night it came out.”

With his new tour coming up, Jake is determined to make it all about them.

“I’m hoping they do connect to this music and I want to let them know that now that I’m independent, it’s going to be done my way from now on,” Jake says.

“I’m going to put out way more music, way more videos and tour a lot more. We’re just gonna go right back to the roots, back to the start.”

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Photos: Mark Singerman
Posted to: Exclusive, Interview, Jake Miller

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