'Raven's Home' Star Navia Robinson Loves All Animals -- Well, Most of Them (Exclusive)

'Raven's Home' Star Navia Robinson Loves All Animals -- Well, Most of Them (Exclusive)

Nia Baxter-Carter might just be the coolest girl on Disney Channel.

The Raven’s Home character is “fiercely independent, smart and dependable” — three qualities that we love, and her portrayer Navia Robinson is just like that too.

JJJ caught up with Navia in a cool rapid fire interview and got to know her even better than we thought we would.

First things first — she loves all animals…well, most of them anyhow.

“I love most animals, but I’m extremely afraid of snakes and spiders,” she tells us.

However, if she could be any animal on the planet, she’d be a cheetah.

“They are extremely swift, keen and powerful and are considered the ‘queen’ of the jungle!” Navia says.

(Anyone else catch this Cheetah Girl reference/nod to Raven Symone? Yea, we did too)

Click inside for more rapid fire with Navia Robinson…

What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?
“My bucket list includes traveling throughout Europe. I would love to visit Italy to experience the rich culture, historical architecture, and of course, the cuisine. And Paris, for it’s iconic fashion and quaint cafe’s.”

Who is your favorite superhero and why?
“Batman, of course! He proves that you don’t have to have super powers to be a super hero! He’s incredibly smart and resourceful…And, he has THE best gadgets!”

What is your favorite summer activity?
“My favorite summer activity involves anything that relates to being outdoors. Whether it’s playing basketball with my brothers or relaxing by the pool with a cold, fruity drink.”

What is one food you wouldn’t want to give up?
“I would never want to give up pasta. I LOVE Italian food….Maybe it’s my Sicilian roots or my passion for a piping plate of Penne!”

What is one item you could NEVER live without?
“My headphones, for sure. That way when I really need to be by myself, I can turn on my music, go to my happy place and block out all the distractions of the world!”

What were your favorite Disney shows growing up?
“I loved all of the Disney shows that were popular when I was growing up ‘The Suite Life of Zach and Cody,’ ‘Phineas and Ferb,’ ‘Wizards of Waverly Place,’ ‘Good Luck Charlie,’ and of course, ‘That’s So Raven!’”

If a movie was made of your life, who would play you?
“I would totally love for Yara Shahidi to portray me because she is so beautiful, intelligent and talented and she seems to have a very kind heart.”

Who is your favorite cartoon character and why?
“My fav cartoon character is Minnie Mouse because of her charm and grace, and the kindness that she always shows to the other characters on ‘The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.’ Plus, her wardrobe is always on point.”

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
“I would love to go to New Zealand because of its beautiful scenery and its’ exotic flora and fauna.”

What is your favorite hobby?
“I really enjoy watching some of my favorite shows on Netflix, reading and playing basketball.”

When I dance, I look likeā€¦?
“When I dance, I’d like to think that I look like sunlight, dancing on water, but not sure I’m quite that graceful.”

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Photos: Disney Channel
Posted to: Exclusive, Navia Robinson

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