Nathan Kress Talks About A Possible 'iCarly' Reunion One Day

Nathan Kress Talks About A Possible 'iCarly' Reunion One Day

Can you believe that it’s been 10 years since iCarly premiered on Nickelodeon?!

Nathan Kress spoke with Seventeen about the show’s legacy and if a reunion would be on its way soon.

“It’s weird, I was thinking about it this morning, what it would be like for us to do a reunion episode? Because honestly, as tempting as it is to get the band back together and do all that stuff, I think all of us would probably be just a little bit worried that the expectation would be so impossibly high that we would never be able to satisfy everyone.”

Nathan adds, “It wouldn’t just be bringing iCarly together – it would be bringing iCarly together to make an episode better and funnier than any iCarly episode that was ever made.”

Talk about pressure!

But, Nathan says never say never, because it could actually happen one day.

“It would really come down to an outrageously good script,” Nathan shared. “And not only one that I thought was really good, but one that every single person in the cast could get behind.”

“If there was such a script, then it certainly wouldn’t come down to whether or not I had any desire to do it because the thought of getting everyone back together again would be awesome. I would love it.”

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Photos: Nickeodeon
Posted to: iCarly, Nathan Kress

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