Nicholas Hamilton & Chosen Jacobs Open Up About Their Careers & Filming 'It'

Nicholas Hamilton & Chosen Jacobs Open Up About Their Careers & Filming 'It'

Nicholas Hamilton and Chosen Jacobs get serious for our latest RAW feature!

The 17-year-old and 16-year-old stars of horror flick It spilled on relationships, inspirations and the Nicholas‘ surprising contribution to the film. Check it:

Nicholas on suggesting his character have a mullet: “That was actually my input. Not intentionally, but I was in the hair trailer and they were deciding what to do with my hair. They were just going to spike it up and that just be it. But I heard a rumor saying that they were going to put a mullet on me. So because I told them, they was like, ‘Oh we never heard of anything, but that sounds perfect!’ But there actually wasn’t a rumor at all! (laughs) The director Andy (Muschietti) came in and said, ‘Let’s go with that,’ and the mullet was born.”

Chosen on whether he prefers music or acting: “You know, I’m glad I can do both. They kind of play off each other. The better I become as an actor, the better I become as a performer, and it just plays off both. I’m actually working on [new music] right now. I’ve been in the studio! Lyrically, it’s more R&B-ish pop-py, but the actual instrumentation of it has more of a older hip-hop feel.”

Nicholas on his relationship status: “I’m single at the moment but I’m open to it. I love keeping busy but then the other side of that is if I’m so busy, it’s hard to maintain a relationship, especially back at home (in Australia). I’ve had two long-term girlfriends in the last three years and now it’s hard having to work and then also having to maintain a healthy relationship with someone that you really care about. It’s difficult. It’s not what I’m looking for at the moment, but if something came about, I wouldn’t be devastated.”

Chosen on his biggest inspirations: “Biggest inspiration would be Michael Jackson, but currently my favorite is Bruno Mars. He’s one of the best performers of our time right now. I look up to his ability as a performer. Best Superbowl ever, in my opinion.”

Watch the duo hilariously play the Whisper Challenge below!

For more from Nicholas and Chosen, visit (Nicholasfeature here and Chosen‘s feature here).

10+ pictures inside of Nicholas Hamilton and Chosen Jacobs from their RAW shoot…

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Photos: Kai Z. Feng for RAW
Posted to: Chosen Jacobs, Nicholas Hamilton, RAW

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