This Big Country Star is AGT Semi-Finalist Angelica Hale's Biggest Fan!

This Big Country Star is AGT Semi-Finalist Angelica Hale's Biggest Fan!

Angelica Hale is only nine, but she has one of the biggest country stars as a fan.

Cole Swindell met Angelica last year at the 2016 Miss America pageant and has been gushing over her ever since.

The two met back up again at a recent show of his and Angelica even took a cool tour of his tour bus.

“Maybe I’ll have my own tour bus one day. It’ll say ‘Angelica Hale’ at the top, in lights,” she says in a cute video Cole shared on Twitter.

“You have loads of talent,” Cole told her. “So here’s to you getting your own tour bus someday. You’re a phenomenal singer, and a great person, and I wish you the best.”

Angelica, Celine Tam, Mandy Harvey, Merrick Hanna and Christian Guardino are all pictured below on the press line for America’s Got Talent in Los Angeles on Tuesday night (September 12).

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