Nathan Kress is 100% Nervous About Being A Dad

Nathan Kress is 100% Nervous About Being A Dad

Nathan Kress and his wife London announced earlier this year that they were expecting their first child, a baby girl, and speaking with Prune mag, he’s admitting that he’s not entirely ready for her to arrive.

“As far as I’ve ever known, it goes back to the cliché that you’re not ready until it happens,” Nathan says. “I’m never going to feel truly prepared – but at the same time I’m such a researcher.”

That includes books, and websites, and everything in between.

“I’m doing everything that I know needs to be done. We’ve got our books that we’re reading and we’re taking all the classes, we’re preparing as much as we can,” Nathan adds. “Still, when she [London] looks at me and tells me her water broke, I’m going to be in horror that I’m not ready. I think everybody feels that way, and I’ll be in good company.”

Nathan also opened up about stepping back from his budding directing career when baby Kress arrives.

“She’s going to be a late December / January baby. That is when everything is pretty shut down for the most part. Things won’t ramp up until pilot season – so as far as it goes for me – the shows that I direct will be wrapped up or they will be on hiatus.”

He does voice over work and some auditions in between, but if it came down to choosing that over his family, his family would definitely win.

“I would give up my career in a heartbeat if it meant keeping my family stronger – I don’t have any problem turning down work if it isn’t good for my family.”

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Photos: Prune magazine
Posted to: Magazine, Nathan Kress

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