Madison Iseman Talks 'Jumanji' & Working With Jack Black on The Film

Madison Iseman Talks 'Jumanji' & Working With Jack Black on The Film

With the new Jumanji movie out in just a few months, Madison Iseman is opening up about working on the film with Cliche magazine.

The actress plays Bethany, the popular teen who is sucked into the Jumanji video game with four of her classmates — and magically turned into Jack Black.

“The entire experience was unreal,” Madison shares. “Jack and I had the chance to sit down and do some character work on Bethany. We totally had to be on the same page since we’re sharing this character together.”

Madison also opens up about getting to the first general table read with the entire cast in Hawaii, where she was terrified and freaking out all at the same time.

“Production flew the ‘teens’ out to Hawaii for a general table read with the rest of the cast,” she recalls. “It was the most terrifying/coolest experience of my life. It was the first time I had worked on such a big production with so many named talents. I was seated between Jack Black and The Rock…not terrifying at all!”

She adds, “It ended up being so cool though! Like I said, Jack and I got the opportunity to go over the character that we’re both playing and get to know each other.”

“We started the table read and the ‘teens’ are the first to speak in the movie. I was praying someone would laugh when I read my lines, and thank God they did!

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is out at Christmas.

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Photos: Cliche Magazine
Posted to: Madison Iseman, Magazine

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