Arrow's David Ramsey Teases Just How Long Diggle Will Be The Green Arrow

Arrow's David Ramsey Teases Just How Long Diggle Will Be The Green Arrow

Diggle has taken over the reigns of the Green Arrow on Arrow — but will it actually last?

Quick answer: no.

“No, it’s Green Arrow. Stephen Amell is Green Arrow. It’s not going to last,” David Ramsey tells EW ahead of tonight’s all new episode.

He adds that the storyline with Oliver stepping back is “very interesting and it’s an interesting twist on how it fits into the ultimate theme of the season, I think it’s very clever.”

“It also gives us some time with Oliver,” David adds. “I think it’s great, and he has some great writing. Stuff is happening between him and Deathstroke, and he and his son and he and Felicity. It’s awesome. I think holding it for the few episodes I have the mantle, that’s the appropriate amount of time.”

Arrow airs Thursdays @ 9PM ET/PT on The CW.

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: Arrow, David Ramsey, Television

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