Ashley Benson Doesn't Want Any of Her Photos Photoshopped At All

Ashley Benson Doesn't Want Any of Her Photos Photoshopped At All

Ashley Benson is 100% over Photoshop.

Speaking with StyleCaster, the former Pretty Little Liars opened up about living in a body conscious era and how excessive photoshopping isn’t needed or wanted.

In fact, she cites one of the first PLL posters for that exact thing.

“‘PLL had put up this poster and it was from our first season and it was completely crazy,” Ashley remembers. “Nobody looked like themselves.”

She adds, “Even for magazine covers, they’ll Photoshop out a mole, make your boobs bigger or your waist four sizes smaller, and you’re like, ‘That’s not even me.’ You never know how it’s going to turn out because you have no control and you’re not editing the photos, but it sucks when you’re like, ‘Wow. That’s a completely different person.’”

Now, with every new and recent photo shoot, magazine cover, poster and more, Ashley doesn’t want anyone to alter anything about her body or appearance.

“I always make sure to tell people, with any s*** that I do or anyone else does, that unless it’s announced that it’s not photoshopped, it’s photoshopped,” she shared. “And don’t get down on yourself for not looking a certain way because it takes a lot of hair and makeup, a ton of good lighting, and after the shoot, it’s all this editing.”

Yes, Ash!

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Photos: WENN
Posted to: Ashley Benson

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