Taylor Swift Turned to Kesha for Advice During Groping Case

Taylor Swift Turned to Kesha for Advice During Groping Case

Taylor Swift is revealing how she turned to Kesha for help throughout her sexual assault trial.

The “Call It What You Want” singer was taken to court by a radio DJ after she came forward that he groped her during a photo opp. Taylor won and requested a symbolic one dollar from him.

During her court proceedings, Taylor turned to the “Rainbow” singer, who is currently embroiled in her own legal battle against her former producer Dr. Luke, whom she claims sexually assaulted and emotionally abused her.

“People have been largely very supportive of my story since the trial began in August,” Taylor told Time in her Person of the Year cover story, “but before that, I spent two years reading headlines referring to it as ‘The Taylor Swift Butt Grab Case’ with internet trolls making a joke about what happened to me. The details were all skewed, as they often are. … I spoke to Kesha on the phone and it really helped to talk to someone who had been through the demoralizing court process.”

Click inside to hear what else Taylor had to say…

“I think that this moment is important for awareness,” Taylor added, “for how parents are talking to their children, and how victims are processing their trauma, whether it be new or old. The brave women and men who have come forward this year have all moved the needle in terms of letting people know that this abuse of power shouldn’t be tolerated. Going to court to confront this type of behavior is a lonely and draining experience, even when you win, even when you have the financial ability to defend yourself. Even though awareness is higher than ever about workplace sexual harassment, there are still so many people who feel victimized, afraid and silenced by their abusers and circumstances.”

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Posted to: Kesha, Taylor Swift

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