Social Star Gabi DeMartino Reflects & Apologizes About Past Situation She's Ashamed Of

Social Star Gabi DeMartino Reflects & Apologizes About Past Situation She's Ashamed Of

In light of the Logan Paul video and backlash, Gabi DeMartino has taken some time out to reflect on her own videos.

The digital influencer released a statement on her Twitter over the weekend about a situation regarding a homeless man in one of her past videos that shouldn’t have happened and owns up to it.

“I was very immature and said and did things in my videos without realizing the audience I would gain later on. Everyone makes mistakes and grows up, but unfortunately my f*** ups are caught on camera,” Gabi writes.

She continues later, “it was really damn immature of me, and I would never do that today. Ever. I grew up on YouTube and it’s the hardest way to grow up…I wanted to believe if I never addressed it, that people would forget about it, but unfortunately, the same troll account keeps attaching it to every single video about me.”

“it’s a reminder everyday of my mistake and although I deserve that, I just want you to understand that the girl in that video was a teenager who didn’t even know who she was. She was delusional.”

Read Gabi‘s full statement below:

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Posted to: Gabi DeMartino, Social Stars

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