The Fosters' Callie & Aaron Split During Winter Premiere - So What Now?

The Fosters' Callie & Aaron Split During Winter Premiere - So What Now?

In last night’s winter premiere of The Fosters, we saw Callie and Aaron break up — sort of.

EP Joanna Johnson spoke to TVGuide after the episode and opened up about how their now friends-only (with a few benefits) is going to work.

“I think she feels like she really does care for Aaron,” she shared. “She loves Aaron, but they sort of need to reset their relationship because when you sort of start a relationship as a rebound situation it sometimes can make people doubtful about whether you’re really in or not.”

Joanna goes on to explain that the couple are “going to kind of struggle with trying to start over a little bit…It’s so hard for [Callie] to trust. So she’s not real good at relationships. She tends to either want to pursue something that’s not possible or kind of blow up the relationships that are there. She has a hard time just saying yes to happiness and to a peaceful relationship.”

Callie and Aaron decided in the episode to just be friends — so, what does that entail?

“Then she will be maintaining, trying to have a friendship with Aaron that’s a little bit more than a friendship but keep those boundaries,” the EP shares.

But more so, Callie is going to be focusing more on her future: “I think she’s really trying to figure out, ‘I’m almost graduating from high school. What is my future? What is it that I want to do? What is my calling?’ She’s going to go through a really interesting journey to really figure out what she’s really meant to do and how to take her activist spirit and put it in some kind of positive direction.”

The Fosters airs Tuesdays on Freeform.

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Photos: Freeform
Posted to: Elliot Fletcher, Maia Mitchell, Television, The Fosters

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