Brett Dier Teases That Final 'Jane the Virgin' Season Will 'Blow Your Mind'

Brett Dier Teases That Final 'Jane the Virgin' Season Will 'Blow Your Mind'

Brett Dier will for sure be back for the final season of Jane The Virgin, and he’s already making us anxious about what’s going to happen.

If you recall, at the end of the season four, the entire world let out a collective shock when Michael returned to the series after “dying” in the season three.

“It’s not a twin,” showrunner Jennie Snyder-Urman shared with TVGuide. “We’re not doing another twin. The question of ‘is it really Michael?’ will be the season opener and be resolved in the season opener.”

Brett headed to Twitter to tease fans about what’s to come on the series.

“This final season is going to be the most insane,” he wrote. “I can’t wait for you all to see this!!!! It will blow your mind.”

Even though Jane the Virgin won’t be back for a while, it’s safe to say we won’t be ready then either. Send help!

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Photos: The CW
Posted to: Brett Dier, Jane the Virgin, Television

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