'The Flash's Candice Patton Spills on the Future of Iris & Nora's Relationship

'The Flash's Candice Patton Spills on the Future of Iris & Nora's Relationship

Candice Patton is spilling on the new season of The Flash!

The 30-year-old actress opened up about the relationship between Iris and Nora, the grown daughter she has yet to even conceive, which got off to a rocky start.

“There was a fun moment between us at Jitters, where Iris is just so desperate to try to relate to her daughter. She’s trying to pretend like she gets it — she wants this connection so badly — but Nora is just not interested, based on things that are happening in the future,” Candice told TVLine.

She continued, “I always worried, ‘I hope this doesn’t continue over the course of the entire season,’ because I don’t think fans want to see Nora and Iris at odds for too long. Thankfully, it won’t be that way for very long. We’ve got a couple of episodes where Iris and Nora are finding their way, and then we see them kind of reconcile and get on a really great path.”

We’re glad to hear that things work out for the mother-daughter duo!

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Posted to: Candice Patton

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