Bella Thorne Details the Biphobia She's Experienced in Hollywood

Bella Thorne Details the Biphobia She's Experienced in Hollywood

Bella Thorne looks stunning on the cover of Gay Times‘ February 2019 issue, on newsstands January 31.

The 21-year-old actress and entertainer spoke about Trump‘s presidency, Instagram, biphobia, and more in her interview. Here’s what she shared…

On Trump’s presidency: “That’s when we started noticing how bad things were in our government. But I think they’ve been really bad for a long time and we’ve never been keen on noticing. It’s a time and a place where rebellion is coming up. So now, everyone is picking the government apart….it’s dark up in there.”

On Instagram: “I’m not gonna lie, Instagram never really makes me feel comfortable. I’m never like, ‘Oh, I feel so comfortable that I’m scrolling through Instagram.’ If anything, Instagram makes me feel uncomfortable at almost all times. Yeah, it’s nice to know what everyone is doing, like literally, what the f*ck is everybody doing right now? But beside that, when I scroll through my phone on social media at night, it ends up making me really sad. Something about it makes me depressed, so I always end up tossing my phone down and lying on the bed huffing and puffing.”

On biphobia in the industry: “There were a few places on the acting side that were very negative about it. There was someone who, right after I came out, cancelled my audition. It’s not like anybody comes up to you and says, ‘Well, you’re gay so I’m not going to hire you.’ I haven’t had that. But you can just tell by the way that people act differently around you, the way they treat you differently, the way that they look at you or the way that they tip toe around certain subjects because they’re walking on eggshells. In this business, that behavior makes it all very obvious.”

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Credit: Vijat Mohindra
Posted to: Bella Thorne, Magazine

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