Katherine McNamara Dishes Just How Changed Clary Will Be When 'Shadowhunters' Returns

Katherine McNamara Dishes Just How Changed Clary Will Be When 'Shadowhunters' Returns

With less than a month to go until the premiere of Shadowhunters, Katherine McNamara is opening up about what fans can expect when it returns – especially when it comes to Clary.

Speaking with Basic Stuff Magazine (one of the forces behind the fan-run promo campaign for the final episodes), the 23-year-old actress revealed that everything gets “twisted”.

“After everything she went through in 3A, there was a lot, between Jace trying to kill her and throwing her off a roof, between her having to keep a secret and lying to everyone, her being the cause of an angel dying, losing a sliver of her soul, [being] taken by Lilith, Lilith literally carving something into her chest, [Clary] raising her father from the dead and then having to kill him one more time, and then almost being executed [herself]…She’s been through a lot, let’s put it that way. I could go on…” Katherine shared before teasing 3B.

In the final upcoming episodes, “she is really forced to confront that thing that she has tried to shove aside this entire time, which is the fact that she is a Morgenstern and there is no denying that.”

Katherine adds “that is very much a part of who she is. And it’s very much a strength as much as it is a weakness. So there comes a point where – given the fact that Jonathan is around, given the fact that all these things have happened – she has to face it head-on. She has to deal with it.”

Moral of the story? “Clary will never be the same after 3×10.”

Shadowhunters returns on February 25th on Freeform.

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Posted to: Katherine McNamara, Shadowhunters

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