Meredith Foster Reveals Her Gym Love Story in New Vlog

Meredith Foster Reveals Her Gym Love Story in New Vlog

If you’ve been paying attention at all to Meredith Foster‘s Twitter, then you know all about her crush on the guy at the gym.

It started about a month or two ago with her tweeting about this one guy staring at her from afar and from there, the story got even better.

In her new vlog, Meredith recapped everything that has gone on from that moment and what’s happening now.

“I was mad at myself because I do this where I won’t have the courage or just don’t have the guys to go up and say something to someone that I really like,” Meredith explained about switching gyms in the middle of her modern day love story.

She added that they did meet up and went on a lunch date, and even have a date for Valentine’s Day!

“He’s a very motivated man,” she says.

Check out her full vlog below:

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Posted to: Meredith Foster, Video

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