Paris Brosnan Shares Short Film From Trip to Sri Lanka with Clarins

Paris Brosnan Shares Short Film From Trip to Sri Lanka with Clarins

Paris Brosnan smiles back at the local kids checking out his camera in this pic from his recent trip to Sri Lanka.

The 18-year-old filmmaker, who is the son of Pierce Brosnan, traveled to the small island nation to shoot a short film and a series of photographs that capture the ongoing work being done in Sri Lanka by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), which is supported by Clarins and FEED.

If you don’t know, Clarins has been partnering with FEED – a social impact-driven brand founded by Lauren Bush Lauren – to deliver high-quality, nutritious food into the hands of children around the world.

WFP connects local farmers with its school meals program that help under-nourished students reach their full potential, both mentally and physically. In turn, those farmers are able to employ their neighbors, including many women.

“Traveling to Sri Lanka was an amazing opportunity for a young filmmaker,” Paris shared in a statement about the trip. “I was drawn to Clarins and FEED’s mission to help solve childhood hunger through school feeding. This school meals program gives children a sense of belonging, community, and an education.”

He added, “This program is a powerful way to connect with children and to help them thrive. We not only visited schools, but also local farms. One of the most impressive aspects of this partnership is that local farmers are funded to grow rice to feed schoolchildren, which supports the local economy. I feel inspired to develop more socially relevant projects utilizing the resources I have and to create a platform that gives back to our global community.”

Check out the film below!

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Photos: Clarins
Posted to: Paris Brosnan

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