Sophie Turner Has the Best Reaction to Season 1's Poster Revealing the End of 'Game of Thrones'

Sophie Turner Has the Best Reaction to Season 1's Poster Revealing the End of 'Game of Thrones'

Sophie Turner is a Game of Thrones fan girl!

The 23-year-old actress had a very fan-like reaction when her Dark Phoenix co-star Jessica Chastain pointed out that the poster for the very first season of Game of Thrones contained a big clue about the show’s ultimate (and very surprising) ending.

During an interview with Metro UK, Jessica pointed out the Game of Thrones fun fact to Sophie.

“And you know the poster for the first season, do you know what’s on it?” Jessica asked Sophie. “So it’s your papa on the throne and there’s a raven on the throne.”

This little Easter egg was a clue that Bran Stark – who becomes the mystical Three-Eyed Raven – ends up on the Iron Throne at the end of the series.

Like many Thrones fans, Sophie was shook by the reveal. Her mouth fell open in shock and her eyes got wide, but then Sophie quickly got control of herself and put a finger to her lips and whispered, “We can’t talk about it.”

After eight years on the super secretive HBO drama, Sophie has clearly learned to live by a strict #NoSpoilers rule.

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Photos: Getty, HBO
Posted to: Game of Thrones, Jessica Chastain, Sophie Turner

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