Jonas Brothers' Reunion Secret was Almost Spoiled! (VIDEO)

Jonas Brothers' Reunion Secret was Almost Spoiled! (VIDEO)

The Jonas Brothers may have totally surprised us when they announced they were reuniting, but that news was almost spoiled!

During their interview on The Tonight Show, Nick, Joe, and Kevin revealed that Kevin‘s 5-year-old daughter Alena shared the reunion news with her kindergarten class.

“She did tell her entire school that the Jonas Brothers were coming back — before the Jonas Brothers were [officially coming back],” Kevin revealed.

“We were trying to keep it a secret for basically a year,” Nick explained. “We were making this documentary [Chasing Happiness], making the album. And we’re like, ‘We got this on lock. No one’s gonna tell.’ Kevin comes home and says, ‘Guys, Alena told her whole class.’ Luckily, those 5-year-olds [were] tight-lipped.”

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Photos: NBC
Posted to: Joe Jonas, Jonas Brothers, Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Video

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