These 10 YouTube Couples Have Been Together 5+ Years!

These 10 YouTube Couples Have Been Together 5+ Years!

YouTube relationships have been quite a hot topic lately thanks to Tana Mongeau and Jake Paul.

Many people are speculating on whether the couple’s relationship is real or fake, even though they have insisted many times that it is in fact very real.

We thought we would showcase couples on YouTube that have been together for five or more years, proving that relationships can sustain on the social platform.

While there have been many famous YouTubers and their significant others that have split up after many years, or even just a short period of time, there are also quite a few who are going strong!

Click inside to see 10 YouTube couples who have been together for 5+ years…

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Credit: Instagram: @alfiedeyes; Photos: Getty, Instagram: @aspynovard
Posted to: Alexa PenaVega, Alfie Deyes, Carlos PenaVega, Daniel Preda, jenna marbles, joey graceffa, Marcus Johns, YouTube, Zoe Sugg

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